General terms
The website is an electronic catalog for the products of “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. By using the website, you agree to the general terms of use. If any of the conditions do not satisfy you, please do not use this website.
Site content
“Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd retains ownership, copyright and intellectual property rights in and over this site. You agree to abide by all copyright notices and other restrictions contained in any information, software or other material available through this site. All trademarks, designations and names displayed on the site belong to their respective owners. Nothing on this site should be construed as granting (indirectly or otherwise) a license or right to use the trademarks, designations and names displayed on the site without the prior written consent of their owners. “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. does not guarantee that the materials used by you, available through this site, will not affect the rights of third parties that are not related to “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd.
The content of the website, all texts and images, the way of arrangement and structuring of the information are the property of “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. and are protected by the Law on Copyright and Related Rights. It is allowed to use this site, save parts of it on a personal computer and print its contents for personal, non-commercial purposes.
In the case of information that materials published on the website infringe someone’s intellectual property rights, you can contact us in the ways indicated on our homepage, explaining your objections so that we can take the necessary action.
Accuracy and reliability of information
The content published on the website is for informational and advertising purposes and errors may be made. “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. does not guarantee that the website does not contain errors and that access to it is uninterrupted. “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. reserves the right to edit its website and terminate access to it at any time. “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. undertakes to take all reasonable measures in order to publish reliable and quality information on its website, but errors and omissions, as well as delays in updating the data cannot be ruled out. Comments, opinions and publications of visitors, clients or other persons outside “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd., belong to their author. “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. is not responsible for their truthfulness and correctness.
Prohibited and unauthorized use
The user has no right to collect information from the website of “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd., if the same will be used prohibited and unauthorized use for illegal and unethical purposes, violating the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, violating the inviolability of the person and , unauthorized access and restriction of the accessibility of the site for other users. The user agrees not to use a device or software in an attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of this site.
Change of conditions and rules for using the site
“Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. reserves the right to change these rules at any time without prior notice. The changes made take effect at the time of their publication on the site. If you do not agree with these Terms of Use, you may terminate your participation as a party to these rules by ceasing to use and visiting the website of “Serenity Group Bulgaria” ltd. and destroy the materials you have downloaded, printed or in any way. is way saved from the site.